User lookup


There are two methods available for retrieving a user:

  • Fetch a user by their Zealy ID.

  • Retrieve a user through the IDs or handles of third-party accounts they have linked to Zealy, such as Discord, Twitter, wallet, and email.

The User object

id - String

Zealy ID of the user

name - String

Zealy username of the user

avatar - String

URL of the user's avatar.

discordHandle - String

Discord handle of the user

tiktokUsername - String

Tiktok username of the user

xp - Number

XP of the user in the community

level - Number

Level of the user in the community

rank - Number

Rank of the user in the all time leaderboard.

banReason - String

If the user is banned, the reason that was given by the admin for the ban

isBanned - Boolean

Equals `true` if the user is banned

Invites - Array of objects

Lists of the user invite with their respective statuses.

An invite can be in one of three states:

  • Active: The invite is valid and can be used to claim a quest.

  • Pending: The invite is not yet active because the invited user hasn't reached the minimum required XP for it to be valid. This minimum XP requirement is determined by the community's settings.

  • Consumed: The invite has been used to claim a quest and cannot be used again.

connectedWallet - String

This field holds the address of the wallet the user connected to Zealy.

unVerifiedBlockchainAddresses - Object

This field contains addresses users add themselves to their profiles, but we can't confirm these belong to them.

referrerId - String

Zealy ID of the user that invited the requested user to the community.

referrerUrl - String

The URL of the website the user came from when he joined the community.

karma - Number

Karma is a measure that reflects a community member's value. Users gain karma when their contributions are recognized with a star and lose karma if their contributions are flagged.

role - Enum

The role of the user in the community. The possible values are : admin, editor, reviewer, guest and banned.

updatedAt - String

ISO timestamp that indicates the most recent date and time when the user's information was updated.

createdAt - String

ISO timestamp that indicates the creation date and time of the user.

deletedAt - String

ISO timestamp that indicate when the user's account was deleted, if applicable

restoredAt - String

If the user's account was previously deleted and then restored, this field captures the date and time of the restoration.

API Reference

Last updated